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The 3rd party SOAP toolkit should provide a class that creates a client proxy to translate the programming language used in your client application to the XML message format defined in the WSDL files. In your client application, you need to instantiate the given client proxy.

Client API Path

For each client proxy you also need to reference the class name of the client API that will be used. You can do this by passing the target entity name to populate the resulting client API qualified class name. For example, you'd construct the string for the class path to a client interface like :

"com.mitratech.teamconnect.webservice." + entityName.toLowerCase() + "repository." + entityName + "Repository"

(where depending on the repository type you are working with, you would pass in the corresponding entityName, such as Contact)

For more a more detailed example, see the Client Proxy Sample Code section of the Client Application Components (Java/Apache CXF) appendix.

Web Service URL

For each client proxy you also need to reference the URL of the TeamConnect Web Service that will be used. You can do this by passing the target entity name to populate the resulting TeamConnect Web Service URL. For example, you'd construct the string for a TeamConnect Web Service URL like :

"http://" + SERVER + ":" + PORT + "/" + APP NAME + "/webservice/" + StringUtils.uncapitalize(entityName) + "Repository"

(where depending on the repository type you are working with, you would pass in the corresponding entityName, such as Contact)

The format of the resulting Web Service URL would be like:


For more a more detailed example, see the Client Proxy Sample Code section of the Client Application Components (Java/Apache CXF) appendix.