The following table summarizes supported Web Service operations by TeamConnect object type.
Supported Web Service Operations
TeamConnect Object Type |
Supported Operations |
Accounts |
•insert •read •readChildAccounts •readRecentlyViewed •update •readByCriteria •activateAccount •deactivateAccount •allocateMoney •transferMoney •withdrawMoney •delete |
Appointments |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •readRecentlyViewed •delete |
Contacts |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •delete •readRecentlyViewed |
Documents |
•insert •update •read •readByPath •readChildDocuments •readChildDocumentForName •readDocumentFolderForDocumentOwner •readByCriteria •checkIn •checkOut •undoCheckout •copy •createShortcut •createSubFolder •createHyperlinkDefaultCategory •createHyperlink •move •revert •delete •readRecentlyViewed •setAsRecentlyViewed |
Expenses |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •post •void •delete •readRecentlyViewed |
Group Accounts |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •delete •readRecentlyViewed |
History records |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •delete •readRecentlyViewed |
Invoice |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •post •void •delete •readRecentlyViewed •adjustInvoiceHeaders •readActiveApprovals •readCompletedApprovals •readInvoiceApprovalsPendingOnPost |
Involved |
•insert •read •readInvolvedsForProject •readInvolvedsByCriteria •update •delete |
Projects |
•insert •read •update •readChildProjectsForEntityType •readByCriteria •changePhase •delete •readRecentlyViewed •readProjectEntityTypes •readProjectIntegrationSearches •readProjectsUsingSearch |
Tasks |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •post •void •reassign •delete •readRecentlyViewed |
User Accounts |
•insert •read •update •readByCriteria •delete •readRecentlyViewed |
See Operations Not Supported In Web Services for a list of functions that need to be performed by using the TeamConnect application user interface (UI).