The Cost Center Migration Tool allows you to convert existing cost centers from older TeamConnect Legal Matter Management versions to the new cost center format in TeamConnect Financial Management.
The Cost Center Migration Tool is only available to TeamConnect users who are members of groups with the following rights:
•The appropriate Tool Rights. This group will likely be reserved for TeamConnect administrators.
•The view and category rights to Disputes and Transactions.
1.From the Tools tab, select the Matter Cost Center Conversion Tool. 2.Select the type of object with cost centers that you want to convert from the Select Object field, and click Refresh. 3.Select Categories and Phases to search on for the selected object, and click Search. Note: Not selecting any items in the Categories multi-select list is equivalent to selecting all items in the lists. Not selecting any items in the or Phases multi-select list is equivalent to selecting all items in the list, except for the Closed phase.
 Cost Center Conversion Tool Search
4.Select the checkboxes for each matter with cost centers that you want to convert, and click Convert. Note: You cannot covert cost centers for previously converted matters. If you have already converted the cost centers for a matter, you receive a message.
A message notifies you that the tool is converting the cost centers for the selected matters.