The hierarchy in the Fields list is very extensive, but there are some limitations. Sometimes a field in the list represents an entire entity of its own. For example, the Vendor field in an Invoice record represents an entire Contact record of its own. You can usually drill down into entities to see all their fields, but here are some exceptions:
•If the field that you're looking at is a Project field of record type Any, or if you're looking at the Project field in the Task record type, the Project field can be expanded to show the system fields associated with the Project, but none of the Project's custom fields are available. Also, the Categories, Current Phase, Default Category, and Assignee Role fields of the project are not available for use as search criteria. They are available as result fields. •A Project field can be navigated to see the Project record's own fields, but the related objects for that Project record aren't available. •When you drill down into a field of type User (for example, the Created By or Modified By fields found in most record types) you see information from the Contact record associated with the user, not from the User record itself. |