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When using JAWS® with TeamConnect, you should be aware of the following:


You can TAB to all clickable elements on a page.

You can trigger actions or open a link using the Spacebar or Enter keys on your computer.

All required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Most pages are readable without style sheets and it should be easy to distinguish page headings and the information hierarchy. Note that some hidden dialog boxes and menus may appear on a page.

You can navigate TeamConnect's basic functionality without style sheets.

WAI-ARIA Landmarks are defined so that users can skip repetitive navigation links.

When a form element is in focus, JAWS® will read the form label.


Depending on your browser version, JAWS® may announce certain page elements and labels more than once.


Users with or without disabilities can access TeamConnect with widely varying sets of capabilities, software, and hardware. While every effort has been made to comply with Section 508 Standards, TeamConnect might not satisfy every accessibility requirement.

TeamConnect is not certified for the following:

Braille access

Synthesized speech

Voice input

Please be aware of the following:

The TeamConnect auto-suggest feature may not work with JAWS®.

Depending on your browser version, JAWS® may announce certain page elements and labels more than once.