1.Select one of the following options: oSearch for and open a Dispute matter to which the Lawsuit or General Liability/Claim category is assigned. In the Opposing Party section, click Add New Opposing Party.  Disputes General Page - Opposing Party Section
oOpen the Involved/Assignees page for a Dispute matter. In the Involved Parties section, click New Opposing Party Wizard. The Opposing Party wizard opens.
If the General Liability/Claim category is assigned to a dispute, the Opposing Party Selection page will display the additional Opposing Representative Role field.
2.Next to the Opposing Party field, click the Find icon to locate and select a contact record.  Disputes Opposing Party Wizard
3.Select the desired role of the opposing party from the Opposing Party Role drop-down list. 4.Next to the Opposing Representative field, click the Find icon to locate and select a contact record. 5.If the Opposing Representative Role field opens, select the desired role from the list. 6.Click Finish. The wizard creates involved party records for the opposing party and their representatives and displays them in the Opposing Party section of the Dispute's General page and on the Involved/Assignees page.