1.Search for and open a matter in which an outside counsel attorney is selected as an involved party. 2.In the left pane, click the Involved/Assignees link. 3.In the Involved Parties section, click the View Outside Counsel link next to the name of the outside counsel that you want to evaluate. The involved party record of that individual opens. This link is not available if the involved party is a firm rather than a vendor. 4.Click Edit. 5.In the Involved Party Outside Counsel Evaluation section, select a rating for each item of the evaluation criteria.  Involved Parties Outside Counsel Evaluation Section
If the Outside Counsel Evaluation/Outside Counsel Attorney details section of contact records is not displayed, you may not have access rights to this feature. Likewise, this field will only be visible if the Involved Party's role is not an outside counsel role. Contact your TeamConnect Legal administrator if you need to evaluate outside counsel.
6.In the Comments section, enter additional details if necessary. 7.Select a save option. The rating you select for Overall satisfaction with representation is used to calculate the overall performance of the counsel. This score is displayed on the Categories page of the selected counsel's contact record.