1.Search for a matter and open it. 2.In the left pane, click the Involved/Assignees link. The Involved/Assignees page opens.
3.Click Edit. 4.In the Involved Parties section, click New Involved Party.  Involved Party Section
5.The New Involved Party Wizard opens to the first page. 6.Complete the following fields: oFor the Contact field, select one of the following options: ▪If you know the contact name, enter the first few letters of the name in the Contact box. If one or more names appear in a drop-down list, select the appropriate name. ▪In the Contact field, click the search icon. On the search page, enter the appropriate search criteria, and then click Search. If you want to select an Outside Counsel firm for budgeting, the contact must have the External > Law Firm category. When the contact list opens, select the appropriate contact name, and then click OK. You are returned to the first screen and the selected name appears in the Contact box.
oIn the Default Role drop-down list, select the role that applies to this involved party. If you want to select an Outside Counsel Firm for budgeting, select Outside Counsel Firm as the role for matter type Dispute or Transaction. oUncheck the Active box if you do not want this involved party to be active at this time. Check this box if you are ready to activate this involved party. oIn the Notes section, enter any information that is pertinent to this involved party. 7.Click Save & Close. For all other involved parties, this step will be skipped. The new involved party is added to the matter.
Tip: If you cannot locate the appropriate contact, you may have to create it. Click New, select an option, and then follow the instructions to create a new contact. See "Creating or Editing Contacts" on page 131(link). When you are done, use the Recent Items drop-down list on the main page to return to the original matter.
8.Click Save & Close. |