The Budget Account section lets you make changes to budget requests while in the workflow process.
1.Open the appropriate budget request. 2.In the left pane, click the Budget page. 3.The Budget Accounts section displays all budget accounts associated with the matter that appears in the Matter field. 4.Adjust budget amounts in the Starting Amount field. You can only make changes to budget accounts if the budget request status is Not Submitted.
The Budget and Period columns are always visible, but the visibility of other columns in this section vary based on the status of the request, the stored value, and whether or not you are in edit mode. Additionally, the amounts in a field may shift to different field when you save the budget request.
The name of the budget account associated with the matter.
This field is not editable.
The period start and end date for this account.
This field is not editable.
Starting Amount
The amount proposed by the client.
In edit mode, you can revise the information in this field if the current status is Not Submitted.
This field is always visible and is populated when a budget request is created automatically or manually.
Vendor Proposed
The amount proposed by the vendor in Collaborati. This field is not editable.
This field is blank when a budget request is created automatically.
Previously Adjusted
The amount that may be adjusted by a user, only during workflow.
An amount may appear in this field if the status is Pending Approval and at least one budget account has a value for that field.
This field is not editable, and is blank when a budget request is created automatically.
Accepted Amount
The amount suggested by the client after the request is submitted. This amount overrides the current value.
If a budget request is in Approved status, this column always displays a value. This value may be from the Accepted Amount, Vendor Proposed, or Starting Amount column, depending on which of these columns displays a value.
This field is not editable, and is blank when a budget request is created automatically.
New Accepted
The new amount that is suggested by the client. This amount is saved to the Accepted Amount field after the request is submitted.
For a new budget request, this field is blank. If an amount is entered in this field, and you click Save, the following happens:
•If the amount in the Accepted Amount field was saved by an approver other than the approver who is currently logged in, this amount moves into the Previous Adjusted Amount field. •The amount in the New Accepted field moves into the Accepted Amount field In edit mode, you can revise the information in this field if the current status is Pending Approval.
Submitted, Approved, or Rejected Status
After a budget request is submitted, the following applies:
•If the status is Submitted, only the Starting Amount column is visible.
•If the status is Approved, only the Starting Amount, Vendor Proposed, and Accepted Amount columns are visible and accounts are adjusted.
•If the status is Rejected, only the Accepted Amount column is visible.
Final values are passed back to the Collaborati vendor.