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A Wizard is a utility that displays a set of pages to guide you through the process of entering the information that is necessary to create a valid record.

For example, the Scheduler wizard can guide you through the steps necessary to create an appointment record. On predefined pages, you can specify the time of the appointment, add attendees, and then add resources for the event. This is the only default wizard.

All other wizards are created for your organization based on your business practices and procedures. For example, a matter wizard for a legal department might be designed to help you collect and enter information regarding a legal transaction.

Opening a Wizard

A wizard may be one of the available options to add a new record or the only option. If a wizard is your only option, it opens immediately when you click the New button. If several wizards are available, click the New button, and then select the appropriate wizard from the drop-down list.

Using a Wizard

To advance through a wizard, complete the appropriate fields on the first page, and then click Next to advance to the second page. The next page that you see depends on the options that you select on the previous page. On each page, complete the appropriate fields, and then click Next to advance to the next page. If you make a mistake, or need to change an option on a previous page, click Back to go back to the appropriate page. If you advance to the final page of the wizard, click Finish to save the record.

If available, any wizard page may include a Finish button that allows you to stop and save the wizard before the final page. Once the record is saved, you can go back and add additional information at any time.

Important: When you are using a wizard, do not use the browser's Back or Forward buttons. Instead, use the buttons in the wizard's toolbar (Next, Back, Cancel, and Finish) to navigate through the wizard.

You can also use the links in the left pane to advance through the wizard. When you open a wizard, the left pane displays all of the wizard pages in the correct order. The wizard pages that you can access in the left pane also depend on the selections that you make on a previous page.

Note: If you use the left pane to advance through the wizard, it is recommended that you complete each page in order.