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Custom content in portal panes sometimes has parameters that determine what data is shown. You may be able to edit those parameters. For example, for a custom content portal pane that displays weather conditions, you may be able to change parameters such as the zip code of the area for which you want weather information.

To know whether there are editable parameters in a given portal pane, look for the Edit button in the title bar of the portal pane. If the Edit button is not visible, either there are no editable parameters or you do not have permission to edit parameters.

When you click the Edit button, the Edit Parameters window displays along with varying parameter fields, as shown in the following image. The original appearance of the portal pane is shown in the lower part of the window.

Edit Custom Content Parameters Window

Edit Custom Content Parameters Window

The parameter fields in the Edit Parameters window vary depending on the type of custom content portal pane your administrator created.

1.Fill in the fields that are presented.

2.Click Save.

3.Changes that you make to the custom content parameters take effect immediately within the portal pane.