Your solution developer defines and creates portal panes and assigns them to the home pages of different user groups or to the home page of the entire organization. Depending on how many groups you belong to and how many home pages your solution developer created, you may have access to more than one home page. If such is the case, one of your home pages is set as the default and is the one that will always appear when you log in.

Home Page Example
Note: Your home page may look different based on your company's preferences.
Home Pages Menu
Click the title of the home page you would like to view. The home page you are currently viewing is displayed in bold in the Home Pages menu.
Note: You may have one home page, or multiple home pages to view.
Personalize Links
Clicking a link brings up a page where you can make changes to the home page title or you can add more portal panes to the page.
For more details, see Home Pages and Portal Panes.
Personalize Icons
Clicking an icon brings up an Edit Settings page where you can make limited changes to the title or the layout of portal panes.
For more details, see Home Pages and Portal Panes.
Portal Panes
Specialized menus from which you can access information and perform actions. Each portal pane is displayed with its own title bar and contents.
Portal Pane Content
View the displayed content or click the displayed hyperlinks to access records, web sites, tools, and other options.
Title Bars
Click the available buttons to edit and change the properties of the portal pane. For details, see Customizing Portal Pane Layout.
Edit Page and Add Content
These buttons allow for customization of your home page. The drop-down of the Add Content button will allow users to quickly and efficiently select which views are key for their home page. See Adding Portal Panes to Home Pages for more information.