Create appointments for deadlines associated with the matter so that you can assign a period of time to the deadlines. These tasks will automatically be flagged as generated from Deadlines for easier searching and reporting.
1.From the Deadlines page, specify which deadlines you want to create appointments for by selecting the check-boxes to the left of the deadline. You can select all deadlines by clicking the first check-box. 2.Click the Create Appointments button. 3.From the Create Appointment popup, select Attendees for the appointment. The list of attendees includes the assignees for the matter and your name. The option will default to the primary assignee on the matter. 4.Select the Start Time and End Time drop-down fields to enter the time of the appointment. Users with Deadlines 2.0+ can also complete the Location field. 5.Click Submit. After you create an appointment, the icon appears in the Created Events field of the table of deadlines to indicate that an appointment created. If the icon does not appear, refresh your browser.
To create appointments for a deadline, you must create them from the Deadlines page of the matter. You cannot create them from the Calendar tab.
1.From the row with the deadline, click the icon. 2.Click Edit to edit the appointment. See Creating or Editing Appointments for more information about editing an appointment. |