1.Open a matter. 2.Click Deadlines in the left pane. 3.From the Deadlines page, click Register Matter. 4.When the Create Case box appears, specify a jurisdiction on the Jurisdiction page in one of the following ways: oClick a Recent Jurisdiction to select it. oEnter a search term in the Search All Jurisdictions field to select a jurisdiction from a list of search results. After you click a jurisdiction, you continue to the next page.
5.From the Exclusions page, place check-marks in each group of deadlines that do not apply to your case. If you exclude a group, those deadlines do not appear in the list when you are creating deadlines. If you want to include all deadline types, you do not need to place a check-mark in any of the check-boxes.
6.Click Next. 7.From the Confirmation page, review the case information. 8.Click Submit. Note: If you close a matter, you must unregister the matter. If you do not unregister, the matter is still on Aderant's servers and you are responsible for paying for the registered matter.