Rules enforce the way that records are processed by performing validations, security checks, and approval processes that control the flow of data.
SOP Manager provides the following default rules:
•SOP – Record must be 60 days old to delete—Users cannot delete an SOP record until 60 days after its retrieval or manually created date. This is a default value and can be changed by a system administrator.
•SOP – Name is required—When creating or editing an SOP record manually, users must enter a text in the Name field or the record is not saved.
•SOP – Send email if answer due—Automatically sends an email message to the appropriate recipients if an SOP record is retrieved with an answer due date within a specified number of days from the creation date. The default is 14 days, but this value can be changed by a system administrator. See Configuring Notification Settings on page 13 for more information.
The SOP - Send email if answer due rule is inactive for CT.
•SOP – Create matter on the phase change—Configuring and activating this rule triggers matter creation based on the related mapping. See Configuring the SOP - Create Matter on the Phase Change Rule for more information.