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Users are able to receive and reply to email notifications in order to approve and move items through workflow. The details below outline the settings necessary for TeamConnect Admins to enable this feature.

Important: Email approvals may not function as some versions of Outlook include line breaks on any line with more than 76 characters. Users with Outlook 2010, 2013 and later versions will need to make the following adjustments to their Outlook configuration for email approvals to function:

1.Click on the File tab and select Options.

2.Click on “Advanced” in the left column of the Options window.

3.Scroll down to the “International Options” section.

4.Change “Preferred encoding for outgoing messages” to “Unicode (UTF-8)”.

5.Click “OK” at the bottom of the Options window.

6.Restart Outlook.

Admin Settings to Enable Email Approvals


Click the Admin tab and select Email from the left side navigation pane.

Outgoing Mail Server Settings


Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Your company's mail server, ex.

Reply-to Address: The email address listed here will be the "from" address users see when receiving email notifications. For example, if it's set to and Betty receives an approve/reject email, it will appear as if it was sent from

You'll need to make sure that mailto: links are enabled for the mail server and that the approve/reject emails are formatted correctly. The "Use SSL" and "Outgoing Server Requires Authentication" options are not required for email approvals to function.

Note: This has only been tested on Gmail, Outlook and hMail. Do not use Hotmail or Yahoo Mail.

Incoming Mail Server Settings

This block signals TeamConnect where to acquire and read the responses to approve/reject emails.

Account Type: IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) This allows email clients to access email on a remote mail server, which is ideal for cases where the mailbox is managed by multiple users.

Incoming Mail Server: The incoming mail server is the server associated with your email address you'll use to read the emails from. You'll enter "imap.(insert your mail server here).com".

For example, Gmail accounts will say "".

Username: This is the email account from which the email approve/reject email responses will be read. An example address format could be "". TeamConnect reads the emails sent to this account about once a minute, so it is important to not manually open any emails at this account. For this reason, it is suggested to enter an account that is not used. If this email is used for other purposes than email approvals, make sure to not open the approval responses. After TeamConnect processes the email approval responses, they will appear as "read" messages.

IMPORTANT: Do not use Hotmail or Yahoo! mail. You'll need to make sure that mailto: links are enabled for the mail server and that the approve/reject emails are formatted correctly. This has only been tested on Gmail, Outlook and Hmail.

Password: This needs to be the actual password for the email account used in the above username field. If it's not correct TeamConnect will be unable to log-in remotely to the IMAP email account, i.e. cannot read the approval response emails.

The checkbox next to 'Use SSL/TLS' must be checked.

Additional Settings Needed Outside of TeamConnect

1.The Incoming Mail Server needs to have IMAP enabled. If you go into the settings within the email account you want to use for the incoming mail server, they should have a button/option/tab/etc that will allow you to enable IMAP. For example, Gmail users can:

i.    Sign in to Gmail.

ii.    Click the gear in the top right .

iii.    Select Settings.

iv.    Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

v.    Select Enable IMAP.

vi.    Click Save Changes.


2.Two ports need to be opened on your computer - the port numbers needed are dependent on the mail servers you use for outgoing and incoming. This can be found by a simple google search of your mail server and IMAP settings. For Mitratech employees, it's port 25 (outgoing) and port 993 (incoming gmail).

3.Make sure that at the very bottom of the Admin Settings > Email 'Status:" you have selected Start.

4.Stop and restart the app server after making all changes.