The following items are known TeamConnect Enterprise 5.1 limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:
•A description of the issue
•Tracking code
•Workaround, if available
Issue: CsrfToken error intermittently thrown when viewing log files.
Tracking code: TC-8139
Workaround: Attempt to view the logs again; error is occasionally randomly generated and does not impede user viewing the logs.
Issue: Users will not be able to connect to Data Warehouse if they are running SQL Server 2016 for their TeamConnect AND Data Warehouse databases as well as the WebSphere 8.5.5 app server.
Tracking code: TC-12794
Issue: Upgrade to 5.1 fails during database upgrade scripts if user has populated custom fields under Document Category for the License, Installer, Custom Styles, or Custom Variables folders. This issue only occurs for Oracle users.
Tracking code: TC-8190
Workaround: Comment out the contents of Step 12 of the upgrade script, click Previous in Installer, click Next. After upgrade is complete and instance is up, go to all above Folders and select Document Category.
Issue: Stopping and restarting the TeamConnect web application generated a memory leak.
Tracking code: TC-8704
Workaround: Restart Tomcat if you have encountered this error.
Issue: Users can not connect to CT Settings portion of SOP Manager module. Clicking the "Test Connection" button throws error.
Tracking code: TC-8810
Issue: Users creating a budget on a dispute from a template would see a "Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 14" message if they clicked a different fiscal year than the default one. This error does not impede budget creation and does not appear in the logs.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-30749
Additional detail: Steps to recreate the issue:
1.Have Budgets installed for disputes.
2.Create and save a new dispute.
3.Click on the Budgets tab for that dispute.
4.Click the Create Budget button.
5.Select any template and proceed.
6.Select any fiscal year other than the one highlighted by default.
7.Observe the error.
Workaround: Users can proceed through budget creation as usual, ignoring the error.