The following items are known TeamConnect Enterprise 5.0 limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:
•Tracking code
•Workaround (if available)
Issue: Users creating a budget on a dispute from a template would see a "Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 14" message if they clicked a different fiscal year than the default one. This error does not impede budget creation and does not appear in the logs.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-30749
Additional detail: Steps to recreate the issue:
1.Have Budgets installed for disputes.
2.Create and save a new dispute.
3.Click on the Budgets tab for that dispute.
4.Click the Create Budget button.
5.Select any template and proceed.
6.Select any fiscal year other than the one highlighted by default.
7.Observe the error.
Workaround: Users can proceed through budget creation as usual, ignoring the error.
Issue: Select All checkbox on Documents tab of a record selected every other record rather than all.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20678
Issue: The password text-entry field lacks a label when auto-filled by the browser.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20635
Issue: System throws error during search when 'Enable search across all projects' checkbox is checked.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20632
Issue: Table row formatting is suboptimal for Internet Explorer users when cell content exceeds given width by exactly one character.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20627
Issue: Custom hover pop-ups do not show for contact records with square brackets in the name.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20626
Workaround: Remove square brackets from contact records.
Issue: Rates page do not feature currency symbol next to currency value.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20624
Issue: Next/Previous page icons do not reflect custom color changes.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20623
Issue: Links in left navigation pane threw error when "disable documents/history in All Services menu" checkboxes were checked.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20622
Issue: Project Search does not function on Tasks > My Pending Tasks search view.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20619
Issue: Global Search does not display search results for Microsoft Edge users.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20618
Workaround: Click the magnifying glass icon to restore search results.
Issue: Description field on Export List Summary for Export Design Tool shows full description rather than a selection and ellipses.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20613
Issue: Custom searches for more than one attendee/assignee can not be completed if the 'select users from user search module' option is selected on the Admin Settings > User Interface > User Selection block.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20612
Issue: Custom search pages populate dropdowns at the bottom of the page after clicking in the filter criteria or results display blocks. This issue is specific to Microsoft Edge users.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20611
Workaround: Refresh the page.
Issue: Error message appears behind blocks for Microsoft Edge users.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20610
Issue: Left navigation pane does not show correct search views after deleting a document or an existing history record.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20608
Issue: Reports folder link does not work.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20597
Issue: Error message thrown when any search view is clicked for a custom object without a respective tab.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20596
Issue: Error thrown when clicking "Project Search" on the Mass Edit page if the 'Enable search across all projects' checkbox is checked.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20593
Issue: Searches for involved parties have text overflow for Safari users.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20591
Issue: Column names with special characters render Java code to display as record link in custom hover pop-ups.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20589
Issue: Report folders disappear from left navigation pane once any other item under the Reports tab is clicked.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20580
Issue: Cosmetic formatting issues present in Global Navigation and icon tray for Safari users with a localization other than English.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20577
Issue: Custom Search blocks overflows the block header when localization is not set to English.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20575
Issue: SVG icons occasionally disappear when a page in Edit mode is refreshed. This issue is Chrome-specific.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20574
Issue: The file name of an invalid LESS file persisted in the Color Profile box even after file was rejected after upload.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20573
Issue: Weblogic instances do not implement the file type change from "Gif" file types to the new "Image(gif)".
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20572
Workaround: The value "Image(gif)" for Y_DOCU_CONTENT_TYPE must be stored elsewhere.
Issue: Pop-ups for Batch Display do not reflect new UI/UX design.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20566
Issue: Users cannot navigate from the Daily Time Entry tool once opened.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20542