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The following items are known TeamConnect 4.1 issues and limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the issue

A workaround, if available

Internal tracking code


Issue: Searching on projects during mass edit throws error for Tomcat 7.0.60 users.

Workaround: Update Tomcat version.

Tracking code: TSE-2299


Issue: EclipseLink throws NullPointerException for WebSphere 8.0/8.5 users.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8107, SUPPORTPRI-16868


Issue: Bulk Adjustment of items does not function due to Jboss configuration.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16414, SUPPORTPRI-16867


Issue: Involved Parties on search results do not function as links.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16851, TSE-2194


Issue: Users are not able to mass-edit contact date fields.

Workaround: Manually edit fields or use inline adjustments on the mass edit page in lieu of the top mass edit field.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16855, TSE-2447


Issue: Rounding on international line item tax rate field is not consistent.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16856, TSE-2439


Issue: When browserBenchmarking is enabled, it covers up part of the global search interface.

Workaround: Navigate to desired search object manually to populate the search bar with that object.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16857, TSE-2465


Issue: Global Search field names are difficult to distinguish, as they are only unique within a single category.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16858, TSE-2106


Issue: Object Type Headers are not ordered alphabetically.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16859, TSE-2132


Issue: Export Design Changes package included the oldest TC version rather than the current version.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16864, TSE-2268


Issue: Copy/Paste and Move/Paste actions on Document Folders causes error message.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16854, TSE-2278


Issue: Global search results display improper values if a record is created and immediately deleted.

Workaround: Manually re-index after creating and immediately deleting a record.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16860, TSE-2485


Issue: Filter tab of a search view shows incorrect filter display if user switches between global search and other search type.

Workaround: Close and reopen search.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16861, TSE-2481


Issue: Validation message is triggered when updating preferences for 'Number of records per result page' to a four-digit value.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16863, INTDEF-7051


Issue: Select All link on custom filters does not function.

Workaround: Manually select the checkboxes.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16862, TSE-2492


Issue: SOP cannot retrieve records by sequence number.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16865, TSE-2415


Issue: Budget Settings Template screen throws errors based on user permissions.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16852, TSE-2427


Issue: Group Rights cannot be viewed by users without Lookup Table rights.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-16853, SUPPORTPRI-15731, TSE-2258