This document details the upgrade information, new features, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in TeamConnect 4.0.9.
1Upgrading to 4.0.9
You must be using one of the following TeamConnect versions in order to upgrade:
•3.0 SP1
•3.0 SP1 Update 1
•3.1 Update 1
•3.1 SP1 (including any update from Update 1 and Update 2)
•3.2 (including any update from Update 1 and Update 2)
•3.3 (including any update from Update 1 and Update 2)
•3.3 SP1
•3.3 SP2
•3.3 SP3 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 18)
•3.4 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 8)
•3.4 SP1 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 20)
•4.0 (including any update from Update 1 through Update 8)
To upgrade to TeamConnect 4.0.9, run the TeamConnect Installer as described in the TeamConnect Enterprise Installation Guide. Prior to installation, review the Upgrade Considerations below.
Note: When installing TeamConnect Enterprise 4.0.9, please note the following dependencies:
If you decide to install TeamConnect Legal after installing TCE 4.0.9, you must install TCL 4.0.2. This issue is only for first-time installation of Legal.
If you decide to install TeamConnect Financial Management after installing TCE 4.0.9, you must install FMR 4.0.5. Some features of TCE 4.0.9 are dependent on FMR 4.0.5.
Upgrade Considerations
Renaming Your Appenders & Sub-templates
To support the new feature Configuration Transfer Utility made available in the TCE 4.0.9 upgrade, there are automated database scripts that check for appenders and sub-templates which have duplicate names. They can be found in your installation media release folder:
•Oracle: /validation/TC409_Upgrade_Data_Validation/Oracle/ORACLE_TC409_upgrade_data_validation.sql
•SQL Server: /validation/TC409_Upgrade_Data_Validation/MSSQL/MSSQL_TC409_upgrade_data_validation.sql
For Oracle, use SQL*Plus to run these scripts, and look for the result set in file TC409_Data_Validation_report.log, in the same folder as the script file (ORACLE_TC409_upgrade_data_validation.sql). For SQL Server databases run MSSQL_TC409_upgrade_data_validation.sql. The result set is returned on-screen, although you can direct the result set to a file if you wish, depending upon the query tool that you use.
Run these scripts before performing your upgrade. The scripts return a list of the appenders and sub-templates which have duplicate names, and may be renamed by the upgrade script. Scripts display the primary key, current name, and potential new name.
If the result set is empty, you have no duplicate detail records and do not need to perform the following steps. If the validation script returns results, you can choose to execute additional scripts to rename them (found below). Alternatively, names may be manually changed via the TeamConnect application by logging in and finding those specific appenders/sub-templates.
1.Run the following for Oracle databases:
Run the following for SQL Server databases:
For Oracle, supply the values of two parameters, which are found in the validation script's result set. It will ask for the input of the new name and the primary key; it is unnecessary to include singular or double quotation marks around the string. The script needs to be run for every record to be modified.
Running the MSSQL parametrized sql files will create two stored procedures in the database, and both procedures must be executed for each record to be modified. To execute the appender script, run exec rename_appender_pro, 'new_name', primary_key. For the sub-template script, run exec rename_subtemplate_pro, 'new_name', primary_key.
2.The scripts under /setup_contents/upgrade/validation/4.0.9)validation are run by the installer during the upgrade process. These scripts place any duplicate names that were not manually changed into the validation_logging_table, which is created when TeamConnect is upgraded. The table displays the original name and primary key of the conflicting records before they are updated by the upgrade script.
2Changes and Enhancements
The items below are changes or enhancements built into TeamConnect 4.0.9 Documentation on these changes can be found in the TeamConnect 4.0 Online Help.
TeamConnect 4.0.9 contains adjustments to Account Posting Criteria that will affect clients utilizing Detail-Level Non-US Taxes. Clients will now be able to select if Non-US Taxes post to only Expense Category line items, only Task (Fee) category line items, all categories, or either category. This functionality is dependent on FMR 4.0.5. For more information, see Setting Transaction Posting Criteria in the online help.
Configuration Transfer Utility (CTU)
TeamConnect 4.0.9 provides the Configuration Transfer Utility as a replacement for the Design Migration Tool. The following table outlines some key differences between the previous design tool and CTU:
The Old Way: Design Migration Tool |
The New Way: Configuration Transfer Utility |
1. Make changes in Development environment |
1. Make changes in Development environment |
2. Export entire configuration as a design snapshot |
2. Filter and select only the changes you want |
3. Edit XML files in the snapshot to select the changes |
3. Export the changes to a .zip package |
4. Import the edited snapshot |
4. Import the package via upload |
5. If import fails, repeat steps |
For more information and details, see Working with the Configuration Transfer Utility Help.
3Known Issues
The following items are known Configuration Transfer Utility issues and limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:
•A description of the issue
•A workaround, if available
•Internal tracking code
Issue: User is unable to enter a new line in the Export List Summary.
Tracking code: DMTE-1920
Issue: System User is not displayed as an option in "Changed By" filter under Export Design Changes page.
Tracking code: DMTE-2239
Issue: Imports that failed due to Related Template field errors logged duplicate orders as cause of failure.
Tracking code: DMTE-2319
Issue: User is navigated away from Import Design Changes Tool page after several errors occur during import; using the previous page button is unsuccessful.
Tracking code: DMTE-2321
Issue: If a user creates a copy of an object definition with artifacts that reference an object-specific sub-artifact, and does not clean up the references, the import will fail.
Tracking code: DMTE-2411
Issue: A group artifact cannot be imported when a custom object from the export instance doesn't exist in the import instance.
Tracking code: DMTE-2569
Issue: CTU does not capture group rights to user-invoked rules.
Tracking code: DMTE-2582
Issue: Cannot import Child Object (converted embedded object) when a Group exists in Export but not Import instance. Object inserts Copy right to all Groups.
Tracking code: DMTE-2598 |
4Resolved Issues
The following items have been resolved in the 4.0.9 release. Each known issue is documented in the following format:
•A description of the issue
•Internal tracking code
•Case number, if applicable
Issue: Appointments could not be created for a length of time longer than an hour. Appointments with end dates set after the current date causes the “End Time” field to be hidden.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-12225
Case Number: 2015-0505-132503
Originally fixed in: TeamConnect 4.0.7
Issue: Creating an appointment with an end date set later than the current date caused the end date time field to disappear.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-12806
Case Number: 2015-0518-134788
Originally fixed in: TeamConnect 4.0.7
History records
Issue: When creating a History record, the date and time in “General Block” did not display correct information.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11856
Case Number: 2015-0415-130767
Originally fixed in: TeamConnect 4.0.7
Issue: When editing a History record, the time stamp increased by one day.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-12559
Case Number: 2015-0512-133231
Issue: Users did not have rights to create history records or edit history on custom fields for custom objects.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-14203
Case Number: 2015-0730-141100
Issue: Invoice line items were being rounded after the records were saved.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11604
Case Number: 2015-0409-130034
Issue: Users could not post an invoice containing line items with more than one non-US taxes.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11980
Case Number: 2015-0429-131974
Originally fixed in: TeamConnect 4.0.7
Issue: When rejecting an invoice, rejection reasons were not available and caused an error.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-12759
Case Number: 2015-0514-134553
Issue: Re-assigning invoice workflow caused an error.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13006
Case Number: 2015-0527-135572
Installation and Upgrading
Issue: Error occurred when attempting to install a product via Maestro live update.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10289
Case Number: 2015-0116-122303
Issue: Script failed when upgrading from 3.4.5 to 3.4SP1 on a system that once had the 2.X application.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13192
Case Number: 2015-0605-136360
Issue: Error occurred when using radio buttons from custom fields within a lookup table.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-12046
Case Number: 2015-0429-132021
Issue: If the custom field involved type for a custom block had been left blank, “Null Pointer Exception” occurred in logs.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-15097
Case Number: 2015-0812-196138
Issue: Error occurred when attempting to move a report to a different folder using the drag-and-drop tool.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13471
Case Number: 2015-0617-137288
Issue: User was unable to mass edit values for child object matter records.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-14640 (formerly SUPPORTPRI-12485)
Case Number: 2015-0518-134791
Issue: Using Tomcat with a datasource threw ClassCastException.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-15055
Case Number: 2015-0915-203124
Issue: Error occurred when attempting to create a Validation rule on a custom object that refers to the “Closed On” date of another custom object.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-8641
Case Number: 2015-0901-201263
Issue: Creating an approval rule for contact deletions caused an error when a user approved the deletion.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13399
Case Number: 2015-0615-137063
Issue: Custom conditions could not be evaluated as true.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-15270
Case number: 2015-1001-205915
Issue: Attempting to save a record after triggering the validation rules configured on an embedded object caused an error and corrupted the record.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13894
Case Number: 2015-0701-138645
Issue: Users could not adjust line items when admin setting “Require In-House Comments upon adjustment” rule was enabled.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-14697, TEAA-3085
Case Number: 2015-0306-126990
Issue: When sending an approval entry for review, the search module was not available for selecting users.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-10184
Case Number: 2015-0225-126035
Issue: Error occurred when attempting a custom search.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11195
Case Number: 2015-0318-128074
Issue: Results for custom searches on projects only displayed records with assignees.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13278, SUPPORTPRI-13670
Case Number: 2015-0609-136596
Issue: Searching matter records with an unpopulated date fields resulted in an error.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13335
Case Number: 2015-0610-136629
Originally fixed in: TeamConnect 4.0.7
Issue: Custom search results returned all records, even with the “Main Assignee” field left blank.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-13670
Case Number: 2015-0630-138444
Issue: “Back to Matters” link was missing at the end of the record creation wizard process.
Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-11443
Case Number: 2015-0404-129531
Originally fixed in: TeamConnect 4.0.7