1.Choose an address type (To, CC, or BCC). 2.Select whether the recipient is an individual user, or a user group. 3.Choose the individual or group from the drop-down list. 4.Enter a subject for the email (defaults to the name of the report). 5.Enter a description, which will become the body of the email. HTML tags are permitted in the description. 6.Select whether the recipient should receive an Excel attachment or a .pdf attachment. 7.Select whether tabular data should be included with the chart output. For reports whose chart type is "Tabular", this option is pre-selected and not editable. 8.If there are more recipients to add, click the "plus" icon at the right edge of the recipient line to create a new recipient line, and follow the steps above. 9.You may remove existing recipients by clicking the "minus" icon at the right edge of the recipient line. Each schedule requires at least one recipient.
Caution: When a scheduled report runs, it uses the rights of the person who created the schedule to determine what information is included in the report. The report output is emailed to recipients who may or may not have rights to that information in TeamConnect. It is beyond the scope of the TeamConnect application to enforce security in the email recipient list. Use prudence when deciding which recipients get which reports.