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The following items are known TeamConnect 4.0 issues and limitations. Each known issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the issue

A workaround, if available

Internal tracking code

Admin Settings

Issue: The message "Cannot connect to the Data Warehouse" is displayed in Admin > Admin Settings > Reporting, even though is pointing to the correct Data Warehouse, and the Data Warehouse has been installed and initialized.

Workaround: Remove the .jar file.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-4226


Issue: When you export a list of all users, you receive a system error.

Tracking code: INTTEST-3051


App Servers

Issue: When restarting the app server, TeamConnect reports a production error in the log file.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-7340

Suggested Workaround: Add these JVM arguments:


Issue: On the appointment's calendar, all day events appear on the day of the event and the prior day.

Tracking code: INTTEST-1995


Issue: When performing a custom search, the State/Province field is not filtering correctly on custom fields.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4469


Issue: If the setting is enabled to automatically populate contact fields when a search returns one result, TeamConnect still returns a search page when searching from a search module.

Tracking code: INTTEST-2255

Expense Entry Tool

Issue: If the Expensed By field of the Expense Entry Tool uses a drop-down list, your username does not appear in the drop-down list when TeamConnect has over 3,000 users.

Tracking code: INTTEST-1355


Issue: In the Category field of the Line Item table in an invoice, if you have more than 50 characters with no line breaks, the category name cuts off after a certain number of characters.

Tracking code: INTTEST-141


Issue: When you export an invoice search view to Excel, fields with date and money formats do not localize.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4325

Miscellaneous Settings

Issue: When you add a field to the Misc. Settings page of the Setup, the field does not appear on the Other Settings page of the user's Preferences.

Tracking code: INTTEST-5147


Issue: If you create a temporary reassignment with an End Date that already occurred and no Start Date, TeamConnect incorrectly creates the entry without informing you.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4315


Issue: TeamConnect fails to deploy on JBoss 6 due to an unexpected error during load of javax.transaction.xa.XAResource.

Tracking code: INTTEST-3412