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Use the API model classes to describe properties of TeamConnect objects and to implement actions.

Note: To use model classes, you may need to access a service class if you do not already have access to an instance of the object.

The following diagram illustrates the structure of most API model classes.


All model classes correspond to an object in the database. The TeamConnect API includes the following main model classes:

EnterpriseEntity—The base class for all model classes that correspond to records of system and custom objects. The classes for these objects include methods for record features associated with the objects, such as security, custom fields, and categories. Those model classes extend EnterpriseEntity.

Entity—The base class that provides functionality for sub-objects and other properties of EnterpriseEntity records, such as assignees, phone numbers, and invoice adjustments. EnterpriseEntity extends Entity, which means that Entity also provides a base class for system and custom objects.

For example, the Project model class extends EnterpriseEntity, which extends Entity. The ProjectAssignee model class, which provides functionality for a project, extends Entity. The following diagram illustrates the API model structure with these classes.
