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The following classes include methods for logging:

CustomItem—Includes the logging methods for code that extends CustomItem, which means automated qualifiers, automated actions, custom screens, and custom tools.

Platform—Includes the logging methods for code that does not extend CustomItem.

Both classes include the same logging methods at the following logger levels:


ologDebug(String message)

ologDebug(String message, Throwable t)


ologInfo(String message)

ologInfo(String message, Throwable t)


ologWarn(String message)

ologWarn(String message, Throwable t)


ologError(String message)

ologError(String message, Throwable t)

The following code includes examples of methods that log messages:

String username = "username";

Date time = new Date();


// Log some debugging information

logDebug("rule executed by " + username + " at " + time);

// Also possible via Platform

platform.logDebug("rule executed by " + username + " at " + time);


// Log an informational message

logInfo("rule executed by " + username + " at " + time);

// Also possible via Platform
platform.logInfo("rule executed by " + username + " at " + time);


// Log a warning

logWarn("Missing some information");

// Also possible via Platform

platform.logWarn("Missing some information");


// Log an error

logError("This is a problem");

// Also possible via Platform

platform.logError("This is a problem");