This form should be printed and completed before starting a new TeamConnect installation or reconfiguring an existing TeamConnect application. Your entries on this form will help you answer prompts when the installer runs.
Some of the application parameters described below will already have suggested values. Those values will appear when you run the installer. You can edit them and replace them with your chosen values.
If you are reconfiguring an existing TeamConnect application, that application's values will appear, not the default suggested values.
Most of the parameters shown below have corresponding entries in the configuration file which is detailed in parameters for all application servers. However, there is not always a perfect correspondence between the installer form's values and the configuration file's values.
TeamConnect installation data
Application parameter |
Description (Suggested value) |
Value |
Where Would You Like to Install |
TeamConnect installation media will be copied to the default path or the path that you specify. |
Configuration Folder |
(Not used in this version) |
Log Folder |
(Optional) You can edit the default location of TeamConnect log files on your application server. For example, ./TeamConnect/logs |
Designer Help URL |
The location of the Designer help file. Use values like: http://hostName/TeamConnectHelp/Designer/tc_designer_help.html (where hostName should be replaced by a server name or IP address and might include port number) |
User Help URL |
The location of the User and Admin combined help file. Use values like: http://hostname/TeamConnectHelp/user/tc_user_help.html (where hostName should be replaced by a server name or IP address and might include port number) |
jMonitor Config File |
Specifies the location of the file that contains configuration information for the Performance Monitor (see Performance Monitor). |
If you do not specify a location, the file will reside in the same folder as the Java Virtual Machine that is being used by TeamConnect. |
Sequence pre- allocation size |
Set this value to 500 always. Do not modify this value. |
Minimum number of connections |
(If using a connection pool for database connection) The minimum number of connections the connection pool is initialized with. For example, 10 |
Maximum number of connections |
(If using a connection pool for database connection) The maximum number of connections the connection pool can grow to. For example, 10 |
Minimum number of read connections |
(If using a connection pool for database connection) The minimum number of connections the READ connection pool is initialized with. For example, 10 |
Maximum number of read connections |
(If using a connection pool for database connection) The maximum number of connections the READ connection pool can grow to. For example, 10 |
Database Type |
Select Oracle or SQL Server. |
Do you want to use data source |
Select Yes to use data source for database connection |
Data Source Name |
(If you are using data source) Type the data source name. For example, TeamConnect |
These parameters are only required if you are not using a data source. |
Database Name |
(SQL Server only) The name of the database. |
The hostname and port number of your database, separated by colons. Note: Only required if not using a data source. |
For example, jdbc:sqlserver://serverName:port;databaseName=dbName where serverName, port, and dbName should be changed appropriately. |
Username |
The database user name. |
Password |
The encrypted password string. This password needs to be encrypted using the encryption tool. |
Enable Cache Synchronization |
Select Yes if you will Enable Cache Synchronization; run TeamConnect in a clustered server environment; or No if you will not run TeamConnect in a clustered server environment |
RMI Registry Port Number |
(No value required unless you will enable Cache Synchronization; running TeamConnect in a clustered server environment) The port number used to create and launch TeamConnect's own internal RMI registry. If you deploy more than one instance of TeamConnect, each instance should use a different value for this parameter. |
ClusterName |
(No value required unless you will enable Cache Synchronization; running TeamConnect in a clustered server environment) Type a unique name for your cluster of servers, to distinguish it from other clusters on the network. |
Oracle Database URL |
(If you use an Oracle database) Type the database URL to connect to, to create a database schema and import TeamConnect components. The format should be: jdbc:oracle:thin:@serverName:port:dbName Where serverName, port, and dbName should be changed appropriately. |
SQL Server Database URL |
(If you Microsoft SQL Server) Type the database URL to connect to, to import TeamConnect components. The format should be: jdbc:sqlserver://serverName:port;databaseName=dbName Where serverName, port, and dbName should be changed appropriately. |
Cache synchronization, multi-cast group address |
If you use multi-cast to keep cache synchronized among a group of servers, you must specify the group address. If you provide no value, the default value of is used. |
Cache synchronization, multi-cast port |
If you use multi-cast to keep cache synchronized among a group of servers, you must specify the port number used for multi-cast. If you provide no value, the default value of 3121 is used. |
The following parameters are for the Data Warehouse database, not the TeamConnect production database |
Database Type |
Select Oracle or SQL Server. |
Do you want to use data source |
Select Yes to use data source for database connection |
Data Source Name |
(If you are using data source) Type the data source name. For example, DW |
DataWarehouse Name |
(SQL Server only) The name of the database. |
The hostname and port number of your datawarehouse, separated by colons. Note: Only required if not using a data source. |
For example, jdbc:sqlserver://serverName:port;databaseName=dbName where serverName, port, and dbName should be changed appropriately. |
Username |
The database user name if not using data source. |
Password |
The encrypted password string. This password needs to be encrypted using the encryption tool. |
Interval (seconds) at which WebLogic checks to see if JSP files have changed and need recompiling |
(WebLogic only) Sets the interval, in seconds, at which WebLogic checks to see if JSP files have changed and need recompiling. If set to -1, page checking and recompiling is disabled (recommended for production mode). If set to 0, pages are checked on every request. |
Name of the session cookie |
(WebLogic only) The name of the session cookie (for example, TCSESSIONID). |
IMAP Server Port |
IMAP server port number. Required only if you choose to enable the IMAP server feature. |