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Deploying BOSS XI and Configuring URLs

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This section describes the requirements for deploying BOSSXI.war for Business Objects Single Sign-on (BOSS), and how to verify that it is deployed successfully.

It also describes how to construct URLs to access the main Business Objects login page and to Business Objects documents (reports). These conventions can be used when defining URLs, for example, in a TeamConnect portal pane on a home page.

For more information about supported platforms for deploying a custom Business Objects application such as BOSS, see the Business Objects documentation.

For more information about how to deploy an application on your application server, see the vendor's documentation.

Support for Business Objects XI

Business Objects XI is supported for single sign-on (BOSS) with TeamConnect 5.1. BOSS has been certified using WebSphere, Apache Tomcat and WebLogic to deploy BOSSXI.war as an application.

Since BOSS is delivered as a J2EE application, you must deploy it as such on an application server. BOSS cannot be deployed on IIS.

Requirements for Deploying BOSSXI.war

BOSSXI.war for Business Objects XI does not have to be deployed on a Business Objects node. You must simply deploy it on your application server.

Both the Business Objects server and the application server must be on the same domain (for example,

If BOSS and Business Objects are deployed on the same machine, then it is not required to have a domain name in the Cookie Domain field of Business Objects WebIntelligence Settings in TeamConnect's system settings screen. Also, URLs to BOSS do not need to include a fully qualified domain name. You can simply specify the machine name in the URL.

From the file for Business Objects, you must set the trusted.auth.user.retrieval variable to WEB_SESSION.

Once you have verified that BOSS has been deployed successfully, you must configure the Business Objects WebIntelligence Settings in TeamConnect's System Settings on the Admin menu. For details, see BusinessObjects WebIntelligence Single Sign-on, provided on your 5.1 installation media.