If you are doing an upgrade installation, user accounts from the previous version are still available so you can skip this section.
To verify that TeamConnect has been properly installed, you must also perform the initial TeamConnect application configuration steps. To do so, you must do the following:
1.Login to the system as user TeamConnectAdmin.
2.If this is a new installation, change the default TeamConnectAdmin password to a secure password.
3.In Admin Settings, click the About link and upload the license file.
4.Create a group account with the full rights of system administrators.
5.Create a contact user account, typically for your TeamConnect system administrator, and make that user a member of the group account that you just created.
6.(optional) Configure the TeamConnect Login Screen (for SSL only)
7.Log in with that user.
(optional) Verify that the online help can be displayed.
Because the TeamConnect installation files may have been customized before you received them, certain screens may differ slightly from those shown in the following steps. However, if they differ significantly, or if described functionality is missing, carefully ensure that you have followed all of the installation instructions.