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You must ensure that the class-loading policy used by WebSphere is "parent last". Use WebSphere Console to set this policy for the TeamConnect module that you have deployed.

You can improve the performance of TeamConnect by adding the optional command line argument -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause to the Generic JVM arguments field on the Java Virtual Machine page of the WebSphere Application Server settings. For more details on tuning your Java environment, see your vendor's documentation.

You can include optional JSP engine parameter keepgenerated with value true in your module's configuration. This retains Java files after the translator is finished, which can aid in debugging. Refer to WebSphere documentation for details on this and other details on tuning your Java environment.

SSL and Collaborati Spend Management

If you use the Collaborati Spend Management feature, and your application server or web server uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), you must perform some additional configuration steps on your WebSphere application server.

1.In the utilities\config\ssl subfolder of your installation media, locate files versign.intermediate.cer and verisignroot.cer. Copy those files to a folder that is accessible to the WebSphere Console.

2.Use the WebSphere Console to add two new entries to the list of Signer Certificates in the default node truststore. Add each of the files named above, and use data type "Base64-encoded ASCII data".

Restart Required

After performing any of the WebSphere configuration changes described above, you must restart the application server for the changes to take effect.