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Validate Your Data Before Running the Installer

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When you are upgrading an existing TeamConnect database, particularly one that was once used with a TeamConnect 2.x version, the database may contain duplicate detail records that would interfere with the upgrade to version 5.1. Such duplicates may have arisen from earlier conversions that disabled validation rules while the conversion was running.

To check for this possibility, you must run a validation SQL script, which will provide information about whether duplicates exist. If they do exist, you must run a second small SQL script, doing a separate run for each duplicate record that must be removed. Follow these steps:

1.In your installation media, locate the validation script that is appropriate to your database server:



2.Run this SQL script against your TeamConnect database and observe the results. If the result set is empty, you have no duplicate detail records and you do not need to perform the rest of these steps.

For Oracle, use SQL*Plus to run this script, and look for the result set in file TC33_Data_Validation_report.log, in the same folder as the script file. For SQL Server, the result set is returned on-screen, although you can direct the result set to a file if you wish, depending upon the query tool that you use.

3.If the validation script returns results, you must manually remove the duplicate records. You will need to supply the values of four parameters, which are found in the validation script's result set:





4.If you are using Oracle, skip to step 6. If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, execute SQL script


This script will create a procedure named remove_duplicate_detail_pro, which you will execute repeatedly in the next step.

5.For each row in the result set of step 2, execute this procedure, supplying four parameters as shown in this example:

exec remove_duplicate_detail_pro 'E_CONT_DETAIL_TEXT_VALUE ', 703 , 604 , 502 ;

6.If you are using Oracle, for each row in the result set of step 2, run script


supplying the four parameters in the syntax shown by the example in step 5.

7.After you have run the procedure for each row in the validation script's result set, manually drop table BAD_DATA_RPT, then do a final check by running the validation script from step 1 again. This time, there should be no rows in the result set.