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This application tests clustered server environments. Both UDP (described above) and RMI must work properly for TeamConnect to run on clustered servers.

Note: The RMI registry should not already be running when you begin this test. It is important that the CLASSPATH value be set before the registry is started.

Login to Machine1 and run these commands:

set CLASSPATH=tcutility.jar

rmiregistry <port>

java -classpath tcutility.jar teamconnect.rmi.Server <port>

The application responds with "Server ready".

Login to Machine2 and run these commands:

set CLASSPATH=tcutility.jar

java -classpath tcutility.jar teamconnect.rmi.Client <IP addr of RMI server> <port>

The application responds with the message "Hello, World" and with the run time that was required to execute the test.

Repeat the process by terminating the server application on Machine1, then changing Machine2 to Server and Machine1 to Client, then rerunning the test.