Each customer's design is unique; thus the number of custom fields, field types, documents stored and the numbers of rows of data for each object type will be unique as well. You must also take into account the amount of data and documents that will be migrated from legacy applications into TeamConnect via your initial data conversions. Finally, the number of users and the volume of new records they will be entering yearly is important. Using this information, and any historic information you have regarding year to year data growth from the legacy systems and expected increases in user community etc., is important to be able to estimate the initial database size and yearly database growth.
For these reasons, estimating the size of the TeamConnect database is not a simple task. We recommend that you conduct a database sizing exercise as part of the initial TeamConnect implementation plan. This will ensure that you are able to provision the correct amount of initial database space and accommodate the yearly growth. Current TeamConnect customers have database sizes varying from less than 5 gigabytes of data to over a terabyte.