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Use GroupService when working with group records.

Whenever a Service operation requires GroupService, set up GroupService using the following code:

GroupService groupService = platform.getGroupService();

Creating a Group

The following sample creates a group. To create a group, you need to create a group account.

During group creation, you can use API interface methods to set objects in the group, such as its description.

//create a new group account with specified unique name and display name.

GroupAccount groupAccount = groupService.newGroupAccount("GroupUniqueName", "GroupDisplayName");


Updating a Group

The following sample updates a group. When you update a group, you can use API interface methods to update the group account, such as its description.

//get group with specified name.

Group group = groupService.getGroupForName("GroupName");


//retrieve the group account from the group.

GroupAccount groupAccount = groupService.getGroupAccountForGroup(group);


Reading a Group

The following sample reads a group. When you read a group, you retrieve the group account so that you can make changes to it, such as updating or deleting it.

//read group and user accounts.

GroupAccount groupAccount =;

UserAccount userAccount =;


//get the group and user from their corresponding accounts.

Group group = groupService.getGroupForGroupAccount(groupAccount);

User user = userService.getUserForUserAccount(userAccount);


groupService.addUserToGroup(group, user);

Finding a Group

The following sample finds a particular group. You can use the unique to find the group.

//get group based on its unique key.

Group group = groupService.getGroupForKey("uniqueKey");

//get all groups.

List<Group> allGroups = groupService.getAllGroups();

//get all users for a group.

List<User> usersForGroup = groupService.getAllUsersForGroup(group);

//get all user accounts for group account.

GroupAccount groupAccount =;

List<UserAccount> userAccountsForGroupAccount =


//get all groups for a user.

User user = userService.findUserByUsername("username");

List<Group> groupsForUser = groupService.getGroupsForUser(user);

Deleting a Group

The following sample deletes a group by deleting the group account.

GroupAccount groupAccount =;


//same as groupService.delete(groupAccount.getPrimaryKey());;