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Financial Management Release Notes

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This document details the upgrade information, new features, resolved issues, and known issues that are included in Financial Management 5.0.

1System Requirements

To install TeamConnect Financial Management 5.0, you must be running TeamConnect Enterprise 5.0 or later.

TeamConnect Financial Management 5.0 is compatible with the following optional TeamConnect products:

TeamConnect Legal Matter Management 5.0 or later

Collaborati Spend Management 5.0 or later

2Installing Financial Management

You must have administrator rights to install Financial Management.

To install Financial Management 5.0

1.Click the Admin tab, and then click the Admin Settings link.

2.In the left pane, click the About link.

3.In the Available Updates section, click the Show updates available for installed products button.

4.From the Financial Management 5.0 row, click the Install Now link.

5.Restart TeamConnect.

3Changes and Enhancements

The following issue(s) have been fixed in Financial Management 5.0. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the change

Internal tracking code, if available

Salesforce case number, if available


Issue: Financial Management 5.0 now has updated settings page for a more modern User Interface and better adherence to 508 compliance.

Tracking code: TC-537


4Known Issues

The following items are known TeamConnect Financial Management 5.0 issues and limitations.

Each known issue is documented in the following format:


A description of the issue

A workaround, if available

Internal tracking code


Issue: Search views are visible and throw errors if clicked on the Cost Center Mapping screen.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20595


Issue: Warning icon on budget allocation screen does not match intended UI.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20590