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Many bridge attributes have the suffix List. In Object Navigator, bridge attributes appear with an arrow after the suffix, like this: List--> This suffix is added to attributes that link to sub-objects that are added to records (for example, JContAddress, JContPhone, and JProjAssignee) and related objects that are added to records (for example, THistory, TInvolved, and TTask).

The following are important points about attributes with the suffix List:

When you want to access sub-objects that have been added to a record, you should use the corresponding J-table. This includes contact addresses, contact phone numbers, appointment attendees, project assignees, and other items that are added in batch screens.

The one exception to this rule is categories, which are accessed through detailList--> attributes. Although they are added in a batch screen in a record and are handled as sub-objects, they are stored in an E-table rather than a J-table.

When you want to access related objects that have been added to a record, such as the involved records added to a project, you should use the List attribute that corresponds to it (in this case, involvedList-->) to access the corresponding T-table (TInvolved).

In Object Navigator, most attributes with the suffix List link first to an intermediary table that allows you to filter the related or sub-objects.