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Controls the width of custom object fields by specifying the number of characters for the field. For example:


<TCFIELD NAME="ParentPolicy" size="10" />


<tc:field name="ParentPolicy" category="EMPL" size="10"/>

<tc:wizardParameter name="ParentPolicy" size="10" />


Sets whether the field for selecting a related custom object appears as a search module or a drop-down list.

For example, if only a few records are available, displaying a drop-down list is sufficient. If many records might be available for the user to select, then the field should be displayed as a search module.

If a qualifier has been defined for the custom field, this qualifier applies no matter which display type is used. However, if a search view has been selected for the field, this search view is only used if the field appears as a search module. For details about these settings for a custom field of type Custom Object, see Custom Object Field Type.

The display type of custom fields of type Custom Object is initially determined by the default selection mechanism of the custom object, which is selected on the General tab of the custom object definition.

Set the value to "dropdownlist" to make the field a drop-down list.

Set the value to "searchmodule" to make the field a search module.

For example:


<TCFIELD NAME="ParentPolicy" display="dropdownlist" />


<tc:field name="ParentPolicy" category="CLAM" display="dropdownlist" />

<tc:wizardParameter name="ParentPolicy" display="dropdownlist" />