Set this attribute to "true" to display custom fields as Read-only text. For example:
Form |
<TCFIELD NAME="LastReviewDate" forceNotEditable="true"/> |
Block |
<tc:field name="LastReviewDate" category="EMPL" forceNotEditable="true" /> |
<tc:wizardParameter name="LastReviewDate" forceNotEditable="true" /> |
The style attribute enables you to apply specific properties such as color, font, text alignment to a field. The style attribute also applies to the field label tags (see Label Tags).
•Properties defined in the style attribute override those defined in the system settings, user preferences, or by the style tag.
•You can apply all style properties available in cascading style sheets.
•When defining the style attribute you must adhere to the following requirements:
oInclude the attribute value within braces ({}).
oSeparate each style with a semicolon (;).
oSeparate each property and its value with a colon (:).
•The style applies to both Edit and Read-only modes.
For example:
Form |
<TCFIELD NAME="LastReviewDate" style="{text-align:right;font-style:italic}" /> |
Block |
<tc:field name="LastReviewDate" category="EMPL" style="{text-align:right;font-style:italic}" /> |
<tc:wizardParameter name="LastReviewDate" style="{text-align:right;font-style:italic} /> |
By default, the tabbing order is set to tab from left to right, top to bottom. You can, however, customize the tabbing order to meet the needs of your users by using the tabIndex attribute with each field on the screen. Specify the order for each field, beginning with 1.
•If this attribute is used, it must be added to every field tag in your form or custom block.
•Fields must not have duplicate tabIndex values.
•Applying tabIndex to the following field types affects the way the user navigates to their corresponding buttons.
oCustom Object and Involved field types, which have Find and Open buttons.
oDate field type, which has a Calendar button.
The user is unable to navigate to these buttons by using the TAB key. He or she is required to use the mouse.
•Applying tabIndex to a Date field that has the Time field displayed, affects the way the user navigates to the time field. The user is unable to navigate to the time field by using the TAB key. He or she is required to use the mouse.
•The Detail Forms system block or custom block that includes the tabIndex attribute must be added as a separate tab within an object view.
This is because the system blocks do not have the tabIndex attribute. A screen that includes multiple blocks where they contain this attribute and others do not, prevents the user from using the TAB key through the entire screen.
•You can include multiple custom blocks to a tab within an object view, if the tab order is sequential and adheres to all of the requirements noted above.
For example:
Form |
<TCFIELD NAME="LastReviewDate" tabIndex="1" /> |
Block |
<tc:field name="applicationEntity.LastReviewDate" category="EMPL" tabIndex="1" /> |
<tc:wizardParameter name="LastReviewDate" tabIndex="1"/> |