The following example will check to see if an assignee with the role `Supervisor' is added to the claim. If so, it will include the information nested within the tc:conditional tag. If not, nothing will be included.
<tc:conditional compare="System[Assignee],Adjuster">Please contact your claim adjuster <tc:loop select="AssigneeList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=CLAM_ADST"><tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact"><tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /> at <tc:data select="DefaultPhone/PhoneString" /></tc:data></tc:data>.</tc:loop></tc:conditional> |
The following example will loop through all of the assignees within the claim record to see if any of the assignees have the skill 'Adjuster' in their contact card. If so, it will include the information nested within the tc:conditional tag. If not, nothing will be included.
<tc:loop select="AssigneeList" qualifier="Type_TreePosition=PHON_BUS1"><tc:data select="User"><tc:data select="Contact"><tc:conditional compare="System[Skill],Adjuster">Please contact <tc:data select="FirstName" /> <tc:data select="Name" /> at <tc:loop select="PhoneList" qualifier="PHON_BUS1"><tc:data select="PhoneString" /></tc:loop> if you have any questions regarding your claim.</tc:conditional></tc:data></tc:data></tc:loop> |