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Any system or custom object record can have related records. For example, contact and appointment records can have documents or histories related to them. In addition, project records can have related appointments, documents, histories, accounts, tasks, expenses, and child project records.

Do not confuse related objects with sub-objects, such as a contact's addresses or assignees of a project. To retrieve sub-objects, you must use the appropriate methods in the sub-object's owner interface.

The methods that you use to get related records depend on the types of related records. Projects have some methods for obtaining related records. In certain cases, to retrieve some related records, you must perform a search. Search for the following types of related records:

The following related records of system objects and projects: tasks, accounts, appointments, expenses, invoices, history entries, and documents.

Child accounts. While you can access the parent account from the child using Account.getParentAccount(), access child accounts of a parent by searching.