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When you create a custom lookup table, you specify the unique code of the lookup table in the form of a 4-character alphanumeric combination. For example, the unique code of the Occupations custom lookup table might be OCCU.

The full tree position of the root node includes the unique code of the custom lookup table and ROOT. For example, the full tree position of the root node of the Occupations lookup table is OCCU_ROOT.

The full tree position of non-root custom lookup table items include the following with underscores as delimiters:

The unique code of the custom lookup table.

The partial tree position of the root node (ROOT).

The partial tree position of any parent items.

The partial tree position of the item.

For example, the Occupations custom lookup table in the following image has an HR Associate item with a partial tree position of HRAS and a Human Resources item with the partial tree position HURE. As a result, the full tree position of the HR Associate item is OCCU_ROOT_HURE_HRAS.

Occupations Custom Lookup Table

Occupations Custom Lookup Table

The following code samples provide examples of how you can use the tree position to retrieve a custom lookup table item.

CustomLookupItem customItem = lookupItemService.getCustomLookupItemForTreePosition("treePosition");


//Retrieving “Big Budget Hits” custom item in the “Released Movies” custom table

//Table Code: RMOV, Item Tree Position: BBHT

CustomLookupItem movie = lookupItemService.getCustomLookupItemForTreePosition("RMOV_ROOT_BBHT");


//Retrieving “Comedy” child item of the “Big Budget Hits” custom item

//Table Code: RMOV, Item Tree Position: CMDY

CustomLookupItem comedy = lookupItemService.getCustomLookupItemForTreePosition("RMOV_ROOT_BBHT_CMDY");