A basic merge field can be set to the current date in the document when the user generates it. You can also specify the format of the date information.
Note: This mapping function corresponds to the Document Generator tag tc:date.
1.Open the RTF in the Data Mapping tool. See Opening an RTF in the Data Mapping Tool. 2.Select the basic merge field that you want to map to the current date from the Merge Field drop-down list. 3.Select Map to today's date as the Mapping Function. Several additional fields for setting the date format appear.
4.Select the date format from the drop-down list. 5.Select Show Time if you want the time of the document generation to appear in the generated document, along with the date. 6.Select Show Timezone if you want the time zone of the current user to appear in the generated document, along with the date and time. 7.Click add more. The merge field is mapped, and the mapping is listed in the lower section of the Data Mapping screen.
8.Click Save Mapping. The mapping is saved for the template.