If you need the document generator template to include certain content only under a certain condition, use if@ merge fields.
The conditional content can include document content, such as text, and any other types of merge fields (basic, automatically mapped, loop@, and filter@ merge fields).
An if@ merge field can do any of the following:
•Check if a certain category has been added.
•Check if a system field has a value or not.
•Check if a custom field has a certain value.
•Check if a sub-object of a certain type has been added.
You define what the condition is that you need to check when you map the merge field to TeamConnect data.
Note: if@ corresponds to the Document Generator tag tc:conditional.
For example:
<<if@LitigationCategoryAdded>> If the condition is true, you will see the content of a related file.
Content of another file:
If true (that is, if the Litigation category exists), then the output in the generated document would be as follows:
If the condition is true, you will see the content of a related file.
Content of another file:
"This is a paragraph of information that is shared among several templates and is therefore managed as a separate file."
For details about how to map the if@ merge field to define the condition, see if@ Merge Field Mapping.