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After uploading a document template, you must ensure that it is retrieving data correctly by using it to generate documents with sample data that has been entered into the system. You will need to make sure that the records you use to test your template have the data that is being utilized by the template.

While verifying that your template is functioning as you have intended, use the following checklist to help you identify possible issues. For more information, see Troubleshooting Document Templates for commonly encountered issues.

Keep in mind the following tips and cautions:

There are no errors when you try to generate the document.

When you view the generated document, all of the tags retrieve data from the correct sources (for example, user input and TeamConnect data). No tag is skipped unless there is no data for the tag to retrieve.

When you view the generated document, there are no pieces of tags remaining in the document.

If the template contains any tc:conditional tags, the content inside the tc:conditional tag is being generated only when the condition is met, and not when the condition is NOT met.

If the template contains any tc:filter tags, the tags are retrieving data from all related records, according to the qualifier, or according to the user's selection, depending on how you have defined it.

If the template contains any tc:search tags, the tags are retrieving data from the correct related records.

If the template contains any tc:loop tags, the tags are retrieving data from all of the correct sub-objects.

Templates that request fields with null values or empty strings (spaces without characters or numbers) will display in the Missing Data screen.

If the template contains any tc:conditional tags to test or compare a value that is either null or an empty string, the logic will return false. The Missing Data screen for that document will not display the field for the compared value.

If the template contains any tc:filter tags, and if there is no selection available that meets the filter criteria, that selection and its associated system and custom fields will not be included in the Missing Data list.