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Currently, the design upgrade file is created only for updating a TeamConnect instance design from an older design to newer design. If you need to revert a QA or production TeamConnect instance to an older design version, there are two possible methods:

oIf the older design version is captured in an earlier snapshot, use the method described in Reverting to a Previous Snapshot.

oIf there is no earlier snapshot, you must make the design changes manually on the development TeamConnect instance, take a snapshot of the current design, and create a corresponding design upgrade file.

This release of the Design Import tool does not support importing user accounts.

Deleting System Settings is not supported during importing.

Please be aware that when you import specific object types, some child elements are deleted from the destination TeamConnect (QA or production) and replaced by the child elements from the source TeamConnect design (from the development instance).

Please see the following table for specific details:

When Importing and Updating the Following Objects:

The Following Logic Will Apply:

Route stops

The source design's memberList child elements will replace those of the destination design.

Home pages

The source design's contentList child elements will replace those of the destination design.

Portal panes

The source design's contentList child elements will replace those of the destination design.


The source design's conditionList, historyDescriptionList, and historyFieldList child elements will replace those of the destination design.


The source design's pageList and child elements will replace those of the destination design.