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Significant work is required to make custom blocks ready for localization. Custom blocks are defined by XML files which, in previous versions of TeamConnect, will contain literal text such as:


* No E-Billing Role Available


To localize such blocks, all occurrences of literal text must be converted to custom messages such as:


<tc:message key="custom.CSM$.screen.xml.eBillingRoles.noEbillingRoleAvailable" />


...where the referenced message key should have been already added via the Custom Messages facility in the object definition for CSM$. Such custom messages are visible in file custommessages.xml, after a design snapshot export, in the following format:

<CustomMessage messageKey="custom.CSM$.screen.xml.eBillingRoles.noEbillingRoleAvailable" messageDefaultText="* No E-Billing Role Available"/>