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Many of TeamConnect® Legal Matter Management's fields are used by blocks, rules, wizards, and reports. To determine such dependencies, you can search the source code for the field name.

Business Objects reports depend on field names and the Include in Data Warehouse setting. See Reports and the Business Objects documentation for more information about report dependencies.

This section provides Matter Management-specific guidelines regarding adding, deleting, and renaming custom fields. Performing these procedures is covered by other chapters in this documentation.

Adding Custom Fields

Adding custom fields does not cause any impact other than adding them to existing object blocks and CJBs if necessary.

Deleting Custom Fields

Deleting custom fields can impact object blocks and CJBs, rules, wizards, reports, and search views. When deleting fields, you must determine such dependencies and fix any affected files, rules, search views and so on. Hiding fields may be preferable to deleting them.

Renaming Custom Fields

Renaming field labels has no impact because the field name is used by other components, not the label. However, you may have to reconcile the new label with other UI terminology.

Note: If an object block "hard-codes" the label value, edits to the field label will not be reflected in the UI.

The field name is essentially a unique ID, so changing the name impacts any dependent object blocks and CJBs, rules, wizards, and search views throughout the system as well as in the API and reports.