1.Plan your rule so that you know which attributes and conditions you need to identify in TeamConnect. 2.Open the Qualifier tab of the appropriate rule. Important: Before you may create the qualifier, you must save the rule with the correct information on the General tab.
3.Create the qualifier conditions as described in Qualifier Items. You may refer to Qualifier Item Examples for examples that may be used as models for your rules. 4.Select whether you want to run the rule when: oAll of the above qualifiers are met (AND logic). (This is the default.) oAny of the above qualifiers are met (OR logic). oThe following combination of the above conditions is met. 5.If you selected one of the first two options, this action completes your rule's qualifier. Click Save. 6.If you selected the third option, use the text field that appears to write a formula that uses the qualifier conditions that you have defined. For details, see Qualifier Logic. 7.Click View Qualifier. Your entire qualifier expression appears, showing the logical grouping that you have defined in your formula. For an example, see Viewing Completed Qualifier.
8.Click Save. To complete a rule, you must define its action. For details about the rule action for various rule types, see Rule Actions.