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You may write custom action rules in Java or JavaScript and use Designer to upload the files to TeamConnect and select them for use in the rule. The qualifier for a custom action rule may be defined in Designer, or it may be a custom qualifier created in Java or JavaScript (an automated qualifier). For details, see Writing Automated Actions.

You may define custom actions using a template, which you may access or create on the Templates tab of the object definition. You may select the template from the Action tab of your custom action rule.

Note: By default, duplicate contact checking is not done when custom Java code creates or updates contacts. See the ContactService.readDuplicateContacts() method in the API Javadocs to use duplicate contact checking functionality.

Custom Action Rule Example

Custom action rules define actions that cannot be specified in Designer. For example, you might write a custom action rule in Java to automatically create budgets when a user adds an outside counsel firm to a dispute record. You upload the class file to the appropriate folder in TeamConnect's Documents area and then select it from the list of class files on the rule's Action tab.