After you have decided on the page layout, you need to make sure the pages appear in the appropriate order to the user creating a record. Plan your page order as follows:
•Finalize the general flow of the wizard. Namely, define the sequence in which the wizard pages follow each other through page transitions.
For example, in the following diagram, an alternative sequence may result from Page 1 if the involved is a third party.
•Identify the pages that require page transition rules and the qualifiers. These pages are marked by the diamond shapes in the following diagram.
•Determine how many final pages may be required. These requirements include pages that allow the user to exit the wizard and pages that allow them to save the record, and dependencies such as missing information, limited rights, and so on. These pages are marked by the oval shapes in the following diagram.
Wizard Page Transition Diagram Example
•Make a list of the page transition rules you have to create for page transitions based on the input data. You must:
oIdentify the parameters used in qualifier items (conditions) for each rule.
oIdentify the pages to which you want the user to be directed in each of the possible alternative flows.
The order you indicate for the wizard pages, as you add them to the wizard, is always set as default order.