You can define settings such as the name and title of a home page on the Settings tab of a particular home page. On that tab, you can also define the type of users who are able to view and edit the home page.

Home Page Settings Tab
Enter the name (maximum 50 characters) that uniquely identifies the home page. This name appears as a link in the Home Pages screen (see the Home Page List Screen image).
Enter the title (maximum 250 characters) that identifies the home page for the user. This title appears in the Home Pages Menu (see the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image).
Home Page Type
Select either Common or Group from the drop-down list to specify which group of users has access to the home page:
•Common home pages are available to all users. •Group home pages are available to a specific group of users. If Group is selected, another drop-down list appears in which you must select a specific group of users. |
Select this check-box to make the home page available to the users for which it is defined. If you do not select it, the home page remains unavailable.
Do not allow end users to edit layout or content
Select this check-box to prevent users from changing both the layout and the content.
Important: While you are designing and creating a home page, this is the only option that should be selected.
Allow end users to edit layout only
Select this check-box to enable users to change the layout of the home page.
Selecting this check-box activates the Edit Settings link on the Personalize Menu on the home page (see the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image).
This function allows users to modify the layout of their own home pages only. Changes made by one user do not affect the home pages of other users.
Allow end users to edit layout & content
Select this check-box to enable users to add content and change the page settings of the home page.
Selecting this check-box activates both the Edit Settings and Add Content links on the Personalize menu on the home page (see the Administrator End-User Home Page Components image).
This function allows users to modify the layout and content (portal panes) of their own home pages only. Changes made by one user do not affect the home pages of other users.
Tip: Do NOT select this check-box while you are designing home pages and portal panes for users.