This section provides more information about how selected search view qualifiers behave in TeamConnect.
When working on a search view for a child object, the qualifier Parent Project is available, except when the Used for general option in the search view includes the Related Object choice.
These three qualifiers appear in the System drop-down list in the Filter Display tab of a search view definition. You can use these qualifiers when building search views against objects that have lists of assignees.
These qualifiers accept values that are date ranges. The behavior of date ranges for Assigned On and Unassigned On varies, depending on whether the search request also specifies an assignee user ID:
•If you select a specific assignee, then the date ranges will only look at assigned and unassigned dates for that specific assignee.
•If you do not select a specific assignee, then any assignee whose assigned and/or unassigned dates match your date ranges will cause the record to qualify the search results. (If nine out of ten assignees do not qualify based on the date ranges, but the tenth one does qualify, the record will qualify for the search results.)
•If a single assignee appears twice in a record's assignee list, in two different roles, both roles' dates will be examined to see whether either of them qualify to be included in the search results.
The behavior of the date range for Main Assignee Assigned On varies, depending on whether the search request also specifies a main assignee user ID:
•If you select a specific main assignee, only records matching that main assignee will be considered, and the date range will only look at assigned dates for those records.
•If you do not select a specific main assignee, then any main assignee whose assigned date matches your date range will cause the record to qualify for the search results.
It is important to remember that TeamConnect only checks dates for the current main assignee. If there was a different main assignee in the past, that information is not known to the search filter. Also, the assignment date for the main assignee is the date that the person was first added to a record. If you added someone as a regular assignee at first, then promoted them to main assignee one month later, the Main Assignee Assigned On Date will be considered the earlier date, not the one a month later.
As an example, if you specify a main assignee of "Margaret Thatcher", then use an Assigned On date range of August 1st through August 31st, and leave the regular assignee drop-down list set to ANY, you will get all records for which Margaret Thatcher is the main assignee, and for which anyone was assigned during August. This does not necessarily mean that Margaret Thatcher was assigned during August-she could be assigned to a record in June and, if someone else was assigned during August, the record would qualify for inclusion. If you want to make your filter more specific, and find records where Margaret Thatcher is main assignee and she was assigned in August, you must use the Main Assignee Assigned On date range, not the Assigned On date range.
When using the Search button from within a specific record's Document screen, the qualifier Search in Folder presents several choices in a drop-down list. The only choice that is valid for a search inside a specific record is Current Folder.
If you are already within a subfolder of a record's documents when you launch such a search, the search results will be limited to that subfolder.
Qualifier Parent Project, a choice in the System drop-down list in the Filter Display tab, can restrict history searches to a specific custom object type and/or a specific project name or number.
•When you add the Parent Project qualifier to a new or existing search view, the Condition drop-down list will show a list of all custom object definitions to which you have "read" authority.
•If you want to restrict this history search to a specific custom object type, choose that type from the drop-down list. Otherwise, choose ANY.
When end users choose a search view that contains this qualifier, the field Parent Project accepts the number or name of the desired project, and:
•Search results will be filtered to include only projects that match the name or number that the end user enters in that field.
•If the user leaves the field empty, search results will not be filtered by project name or number.
•If you, the developer, chose a specific custom object type when you specified the Parent Project qualifier in the search view, search results will be filtered to include only that custom object type, no matter what value the end user puts in Parent Project.
Search results will only show records to which the user has at least "read" authority.
For example, assume that you create a search view that includes the Parent Project qualifier, and you specify custom object type Matter while defining that qualifier. When an end user runs that search view and enters "Turnstone Incorporation" as a value for that qualifier, then only Matter records that match that name will be searched, even if there are other types of custom object records that have the name "Turnstone Incorporation". If, on the other hand, the end user runs the search view but does not enter any value for Parent Project, the search will still be filtered to include only Matter records, regardless of what other qualifiers might be used in the search.
Possible values for the Workflow Status qualifier include the value Any (Workflow status will not be considered when filtering search results) or one of the several possible end states of a workflow, such as Rejected, Error, Pending, Approved, or Canceled.
Field Workflow Status is available for the results display for a search view to show the status of specific records. Workflow Status lists specific values, such as Pending Approval, Approved, Rejected, Error, and Canceled. This field may be blank if a record has not been submitted to workflow.
The Workflow Action qualifier presents a list of values that vary by object type. Any workflow action that can be defined in an Approval Rule for an object will also appear in the Workflow Action qualifier drop-down for that object. For example, the Invoice object allows actions of Post, Void, and Delete. In addition to the actions that are specific to an object type, the qualifier drop-down includes the value Any, which means that the qualifier is ignored in the current search.
For example, using this qualifier means that you could limit an Invoice search to searching only for records that are pending approval for posting, not pending approval for void or deletion.
Field Workflow Action is available for the results display for a search view to show more detailed status of specific records.
For example, without the Workflow Action field the results of an invoice search might show the workflow status of Pending. With the inclusion of the Workflow Action field the results could say Pending and Void.
This field may be blank if a record has not been submitted to workflow.
Note: In cases where there may be multiple workflows open against a single record, only the workflow that was initiated most recently will be evaluated against these qualifiers.